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Connecting Cumbria

Full Fibre

Since 2012 there have been significant improvements in broadband infrastructure but you can only benefit if you place an order with your chosen Internet Service Provider (ISP).  The vast majority of properties in Cumbria can already access superfast broadband speeds of at least 30Megabits per second (Mbps) with many properties now able to access gigabit broadband speeds of up to 1,000Mbps - to see if you could be going faster visit OFCOM broadband checkerthis external link will open in a new window

People in Cumbria have been demanding faster broadband connections and already know what they will do when they have access to better speeds, but some people may not yet fully appreciate the benefits of an upgraded broadband connection to their home or business.

An upgraded broadband connection provides a faster and more reliable internet connection, enabling multiple users within a home or business premise to access the internet, download documents, music and video and stream high-definition television without buffering – things that may not be possible with a standard broadband connection.

We talked to communities and businesses across the county about how a superfast broadband service has been of benefit to their business, click on the link below to find out more:

Mobile Infrastructure

UK Government is investing £5bn to deliver fast reliable broadband for everyone in the UK and delivering next generation connectivity. The initial target of this programme is for 85% of properties in the UK to be able to access gigabit capable broadband by 2025 with the UK Government committed to reaching 100% by the end of the programme.

BDUK project gigabitthis external link will open in a new window

Cumbria is the pilot area in the UK Gigabit Programme and has been allocated a budget of up to £109m to extend gigabit capable connections to some of the hardest to reach premises that won’t benefit from commercial deployments. This contract was awarded to Hyperfast GB and delivery is underway; more information can be found athttps://www.hyperfastgb.com/Cumbriathis external link will open in a new window